Property Management - DMD-Care

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Property Management
All your Property management Needs
We can help with your Property
Our well trained Staff are ready to assist you in your future management endeavours.
Property Management
There are many facets to this profession, including managing the accounts and finances of the real estate properties, and participating in or initiating litigation with tenants, contractors and insurance agencies. Litigation is at times considered a separate function, set aside for trained attorneys. Although a person will be responsible for this in his/her job description, there may be an attorney working under a property manager.

Special attention is given to landlord/tenant law and most commonly evictions, non-payment, harassment, reduction of pre-arranged services, and public nuisance are legal subjects that gain the most amount of attention from property managers. Therefore, it is a necessity that a property manager be current with applicable municipal, county, state and Federal Fair Housing laws and practices.
What Does a Property Management Company Do?

Management  companies deal directly with prospects and tenants, saving you time and  worry over marketing your rentals, collecting rent, handling maintenance  and repair issues, responding to tenant complaints, and even pursuing  evictions.
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